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1194 West Flint Meadow Drive
Kaysville, UT 84037
Which program is right for my child?
The program best suited for your child will depend on your child’s maturity level. Your child will receive the same instruction regardless of the program you choose, but it will be presented a bit differently to appeal to the maturity level of your child. Reading Horizons® Discovery has a fun feel, with the opportunity to earn coins that can be redeemed for game time and to decorate a clubhouse. Reading Horizons® Elevate has games available for students to play, but there is no clubhouse and no coins to earn, and the reading passages are more informational, high-interest passages.
What kind of results can I expect to see?
Results vary with each student and their grade level. Many other factors also influence results. We guarantee that you will see positive gains in a short period of time if the product is used with fidelity, and that is why we offer our 60-day money-back guarantee.
My username and password don’t work.
For Admin Login: This should be your e-mail address. Make sure caps lock is turned off and an additional space isn’t accidentally being put at the end of the username or password. If that doesn’t work, call technical support, and they will assist you.
For Student Login: Make sure the site ID and user ID are correct and there are no extra spaces at the end of either. If that doesn’t work, call technical support, and they will assist you.
In Reading Horizons® Discovery my students’ “Next” button is grayed out, and they can’t go any further in their lessons.
Check in the Administration Portal to see if students have completed the track they are on. If so, move them to the next grade track by going to the “Edit Student” option and selecting the next grade track.
In Reading Horizons® Elevate my student can’t move on to the next chapter.
Check and make sure that students have earned all of the assigned Reading Library points. Make sure they have passed the Chapter Test and have completed the Progress Monitoring Assessment.
When trying to edit a student or to log in as a student, I get a message about the account already being used.
This occurs if students are currently working in the program, if they didn’t exit the program correctly the last time they used it, or if the computer shut down while they were logged in. This is fixed by resetting the student in the Admin System.
What are Reference Lessons in Reading Horizons® Elevate?
These lessons are not required for students to complete; however, they are open for them to begin. Students should follow the Go button on the main dashboard and not skip lesson to lesson.
Library Access in Reading Horizons® Elevate?
The library in Reading Horizons® Elevate does not open until the students have reached Chapter 2. They will have been assessed at the beginning of the program to set their Lexile® level.
What are the initial assessments in the program?
Reading Horizons® Discovery Assessments include seven phonemic awareness assessments, a Most Common Words Assessment, and a Spelling and Word Recognition Assessment.
In Reading Horizons® Elevate, there is a Phonics screener, a Library Assessment, and a Diagnostic/Progress Monitoring Assessment.
Why can’t my student access books in the Reading Horizons® Discovery library?
The Reading Horizons® Discovery library is setup to transfer skills from a lesson to text. They are controlled-vocabulary texts and are 90-100% decodable. We do not open up passages for which the student has not yet learned the skill. Track 1-3 students will have access to the Kindergarten-level books (there are 20). The books will open up in the sequence of the lesson. Once the students have passed the activities, they will be given the library book.
Where do I find my site login in Reading Horizons® Discovery?
When you have created your athome account and have purchased the program, you will be able to launch administrator. If you look above the “Launch Administrator” button, you will see the information for your site login. It is generally your firstlastname-athome.rhdiscovery.com (ex.: johndoe-athome.rhdiscovery.com).
Where do I find my site login in Reading Horizons® Elevate?
The site login can be found in the administrative portal of Reading Horizons® Elevate. Click on the “Advanced” tab at the top of the screen and then on the site information button on the left side of the screen. Your site login will be at the top of the page. It is generally your firstnamelastname-athome.
How do I renew?
To renew your program, you will need to go back to Account page and login. Once you are logged in, you will be able to select the subscriptions option to renew your account.
How do I cancel my 30-day trial?
If you are not satisfied with the program or you are wanting to hold off on purchasing the program, you can cancel your upgrade in your account. In the Subscriptions section of the overview page, you will see the “Cancel Trial” button to prevent the $189 charge after 30 days.