Finding the right gift for a child with ADHD or other learning problems can be a challenge. Author, Kristin Stansbury says that, “One key to selecting presents is to think about the whole child — his/her struggles, skills, strengths, and interests. [Also] every child has a preferred method of learning — visual, spatial, physical, auditory, musical. Kids are naturally drawn to toys, hobbies, and games that use their strengths.”
So, how do you match the gift to the child? Consider the following tips to find a gift that's engaging, rewarding, and fun:
- build on his/her skills and talents
- learn new information
- reinforce new skills
- use his/her imagination and express herself creatively
- explore special interests and the world around him/her
- find structure for social interactions
- boost his/her overall health and well-being
Stansbury also advises that parents… “look for toys, games, or software that let a child adjust the speed, sound, and difficulty levels to her own comfort level. As with any child, you'll want to choose items appropriate for her age group.” The Reading Horizons v5 software meets the individual learning level and speed of your child.
Research tells us that the preferred activity of many ADHD and learning disabledchildren is online games and programs. Rather than providing them with mindless entertainment, consider the companion Reading Horizons Reading Library component that contains more than 255 nonfiction, high-interest, low readability passages – each designed to engage readers of all levels.
What is the best gift you’ve given your ADHD child?
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