Last week, Reading Horizons was very fortunate to have Florida's distinguished reading expert Dr. Joseph Torgesen speak to hundreds of our listeners who registered for a special webinar. The recorded presentation, "Teaching All Students to Read: Is It Really Possible?" addresses the challenges faced by school districts to successfully teach reading in grades K-3. The level of preparation of children coming to kindergarten has been dropping lower and lower, and that makes a big difference in how much instruction is needed for them to become good readers. Dr. Torgesen tells the story of what happened in the Kenniwick, Wa. school district when the challenge was given by the school board to have 90% of their students reading at grade level within five years. The resultant whining eventually died down and the goal began to "grow legs". Much responsibility was placed on the elementary principals. Precise data shows what the transitions were, how they moved toward different strategies and curriculum, and what progress was made in those schools in applied goal outcomes. Dramatic progress is shown.

This webinar is now available as a free download at the following link.