Throughout elementary, junior high, and high school my teachers would spontaneously turn on classical music from time to time while we were working on assignments because as we were told, “classical music helps to boost your school performance and intelligence". After all, it had been researched.
In 1993, a research paper titled “Music and Spatial Task Performance” was published claiming that students who listened to one of Mozart’s sonatas performed better on standardized tests. It was also concluded that the music helped the performance of students with learning disabilities such as dyslexia, ADD, and autism.
So, should your dyslexic child be put on a strict Mozart regimen? Not necessarily. A recent look at the study found that the “Mozart Effect” has a weak, if not insignificant effect. New research found that listening to most types of music can help to boost school performance because the pleasure felt when listening to music can elevate the mood. With an elevated mood, intellectual tasks become easier.
Thus, to help your dyslexic child get through a difficult homework assignment, give him a short break to listen to his favorite song. With an elated mood, he might find the confidence to keep trying.
To learn more about dyslexia, watch our free dyslexia webinar: “Dyslexia: From Symptoms to Solutions.”
1 Comment
That's right! I always knew music can help my child. When my little boy Danny had problems at school and his teachers told me to send him away (to a special school) I refused. I told them he can be as good as any other kid, he just need some more attention. I tried this trick with the music and it worked!