Reading Horizons recently joined that social media phenom, Pinterest.
And we’ve done it with abandon – sharing pins and boards like Education Quotes, Education Reform, Lesson Ideas, Humor for the Classroom, and Literacy Help.
What makes Pinterest an excellent reading resource for parents and homeschool families is that it provides another community of like-minded people who share ideas and interests in a very visual and captivating way.
So What Is Pinterest Exactly?
Pinterest is a digital (virtual) bulletin board that allows you and your friends to share links, images, recipes, books, and other clever ideas that you find inspiring or interesting.
After naming individual bulletin boards like The Reading Corner, Homework Help or Home School Ideas – you simply start pinning, commenting, or liking images and ideas from a general listing that other Pinners and those you follow may have submitted to Pinterest.
It really is fun, entertaining and a source of inspiring ideas. Participation requires an invitation so if you’d like one, comment here and we’ll send one to you right away.
If you’re already a Pinterest afficianado, please follow Reading Horizons boards – we update them all of the time.
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