Coming up this August 12th is a free webinar for reading teachers offered by Reading Horizons entitled "My Road to The Reading Room: an Examination of Today's Storytelling in Popular Entertainment" with Randy Feldman.
Randy Feldman has been a Hollywood movie and television writer for over 30 years. He will discuss the journey that led him to write the Hallmark Channel movie The Reading Room and how that ultimately inspired him to form his own nonprofit organization, P.O.R.T.A.L. (People Offering Reading, Teaching, and Literacy). He will also examine the evolution of current storytelling trends in popular entertainment and its possible effects on this generation of learners. Randy is currently an artist in residence and lecturer at the UNLV film school. It should be a great webinar. Although it is free, you need to register in advance.
Click here to go to to register.
1 Comment
Corpus Christi DJ
Sounds great movie. And interesting too. I think it will be a good movie for teachers and professors.