Guided reading is a term used in a classroom setting that brings students together in small groups (six or less) to tackle common text and reading skills.

Children are placed in a group where they will have the maximum potential for reading success and move within these groups based on their reading level or needs.

Basically students are guided as they read, or immediately after reading a book or passage, with prompts and clues.

It occurred to me that the same basic idea could be modeled at home, by creating a children’s book club. By definition a book, or literary, club is an activity that we do with other adults, primarily with women who have like interests and reading skills.

Why not create a guided reading group or book club with your students and other neighborhood friends? The children could name the club, create a list of books that they would like to read, and elect leaders from the group.

Initially, an adult would want to moderate the discussion and show the students how a book club is led.

Reading favorite passages together can improve fluency and reading comprehension. Not to mention, that discussing the book together can boost critical thinking skills.

It is clear that while we teach reading skills, students need more opportunities to read and apply all the reading strategies that they have learned. A book club seems like a great way to meet that need.

Have you and your students started a book club at home? Share success stories and ideas here!