Summer Reading Programs
How to keep your kids from falling behind in school during the summer months.
Summer is a time for lazy days and lemonade. It is a welcome break from the grind of the structured school day, but it should not be a break from learning. A recent study by Harris Cooper, a professor of psychological sciences at the University of Missouri, estimates that summer loss for all students equals about one month on a grade-level equivalent scale. This number can actually be higher, up to two months, depending on personal circumstances.
(Information taken from "On Summer Loss," Johns Hopkins University, Center for Summer Learning [2004], found on
Parents also need a break and often feel overwhelmed at the thought of having to become a "teacher" over the summer to keep their kids from falling behind. We have an ideal solution. Our summer reading program is easy, affordable, interactive, and fun. You can arm your kids with the tools that will not only keep them from falling behind but will jump them ahead. Those who struggle with reading or writing will have greater confidence and success if they can start the school year ahead of the game. The best part about the Discovery software is that your children can go through the entire summer program independently and need only to spend a couple of hours a week to see amazing progress. There is an average gain of two to five grade levels upon completion of the reading program. Imagine having your children be that far ahead at the beginning of the next school year!
This can make a huge difference in your children's lives. Giving your children this summer reading program and taking a few quiet moments to read with them will undoubtedly be the most valuable moments of the entire summer.
Learn about more ways you can help your child get ahead in school, become a better reader, and how our method can go beyond just a summer reading program.